L.D. Tanzbeschreibungs - Liste |
"T" |
Seite 265 |
Tanz 01. = Two Steps Back, Musik: One Step, Forward Two Steps Back
Tanz 02. = The Electric Clide *
Tanz 03. = Tush Push (Greis Tanz)
Tanz 04. = Tush Push
Tanz 05. = Tennessee Waltz
Tanz 06. = The Picnic Polka
Tanz 07. = Turbo Polka (Kein Yutube Video)
Tanz 08. = This Little Light of Me
Tanz 09. = Two Pina Colada, (Paartanz)
Tanz 10. = Two Pina Colada
Tanz 11. = Town of Hope and Memories
Tanz 12. = The Trail
Tanz 13. = The World
Tanz 14. = Third Rate Romanee
Tanz 15. = The Flute
Tanz 16. = Toes
Tanz 17. = Trailerhood
Tanz 18. = The Musik Man
Tanz 19. =
Tanz 20. =
Seite 265